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Dash NEW DASH Make life feel
brighter for you
Wake-up lights catalog
Wake-up Lights
Wake up naturally
with a personalised sunrise
SAD & energy lights catalog
SAD & energy
Your daily dose of positivity
Bedbug for kids
Bedbug for kids
3-in-1 sleep aid for babies and children
Bulbs Adaptors Spares

Support and Customer Care

Customer satisfaction is at the heart of what we do, and we are always happy to help with any issues or questions you may have. Below you'll find a list of frequently asked questions concerning general applications of light therapy, as well as individual queries regarding our wake-up and SAD lamps.

If you have any setup issues, please take a look at our ‘How To’ videos which can be found on our product pages (or on YouTube), and have a read of the below FAQ section which may have the answer to your query.

If you need to chat with us, you can use the webchat option (available on desktop), or reach us by email at info@lumie.com. We are open Monday-Friday 9.30 am – 5.30 pm and we aim to answer your query within 1 working day. During our busy season, this may be slightly longer, however, we will always answer your query within 1 working week. 

Please note that during the festive period (23 December 2022 - 3 January 2023) our Customer Care Team is largely out of office, and our response time may be slower than usual. All orders placed during the festive period will be shipped w/c 3 January. 

Delivery and Returns FAQ

You can find detailed information about delivery and returns here.

Orders and Payments FAQ

You can find detailed information about our orders and payments here.

Light Therapy FAQ

What is light therapy and how can it help me?

Just as sunlight naturally makes you feel good, topping up with extra bright light in the winter months, or when you're stuck indoors, is proven to put you in a better mood and make you feel more awake. Using a lightbox every day makes a big difference to symptoms of SAD such as tiredness, over-eating and a lack of energy and motivation.

What is Lux?

Lux is a measure of the intensity of visible light received by the subject at a given point. Since light is brightest and strongest at its source and becomes less intense with distance, the lux level stated for any lightbox is only meaningful if it also says at what distance.

Lumie Brazil, our most powerful lightbox easily provides 10,000lux at 35cm; smaller lights are less bright and to receive 10,000lux you'd need to have them closer; since that's not always practical or comfortable you simply use them for longer instead.

When should I use my light?

Most people find that light therapy in the mornings works best so, if you are just starting out, try this first. After a week or so, if you're not feeling much different, try introducing another session in the afternoon.

If you don't have time in the mornings, then using a light in the afternoon will still be better than not using one at all. Try not to use your light late in the evening though (i.e. within 3 hours of going to bed) as you may find it difficult to get to sleep.

If you have trouble waking up in the mornings, then you should definitely use a dawn simulator. If this isn't enough, then use a light as well even if you only have time for a 10-minute rather than 30-minute session, and again top up later.

How long should you use it for and how long does it take to work?

Generally speaking, the brighter the light, the less time it takes to use. Our quickest lightboxes have a treatment time of just 30 minutes a day. We recommend using it every day to experience the maximum benefits.

You should expect to feel the benefits within the first 1-2 weeks of using the light. We offer a 45-day trial with our products so this should be long enough to determine whether you are going to experience the benefits of light therapy.

How far away do I need to be from the light?

We recommend using our lightboxes at approximately an arms’ length away from you.

Do I need to stare directly into the light?

We do not recommend staring directly into the light as you will find this quite uncomfortable due to how bright the light is.

Placing the lamp at the correct distance and continuing with your usual daily activities (reading, on the computer, watching tv, eating breakfast etc) is the best and most comfortable way to use the light.

Is light therapy safe?

The bright lights used in light therapy are extremely safe and there are no indications that light boxes or light visors cause any damage to the eye. They produce only a tiny amount of UV (ultra-violet) light - much less than normal daylight - so if you are worried about your skin or have been told to avoid UV, this won't be a problem.

Lumie advise anyone with major eye problems to consult their specialist before starting any form of light therapy.

Can I wear my glasses?

Glasses or contact lenses will be fine if they're clear. On the other hand, sunglasses, photo-sensitive or tinted lenses will reduce the effectiveness of light therapy because less light will reach the all-important receptors at the back of your eyes.

If you fall asleep during a light therapy session you won't get the full benefit either!

What about blue light blocking glasses?

We have not measured the impact of blue light blocking glasses. Blue light in small quantities can boost alertness - but for the treatment of SAD it is the lux level (light intensity received at the eyes) which is the important factor.

Wearing blue light filter glasses will reduce the blue light reaching your eyes and the additional alertness that you may experience. It will have less impact on the lux level delivered by the lights, especially those with warmer light such as  Lumie Brazil which emit low levels of blue light,  so may not affect greatly the treatment of SAD.

Can children use light therapy?

We do not recommend children under the age of 7 to use our SAD lights, as their eyes are still developing. However, our wake up lights and Lumie Bedbug would be suitable for any age, including babies and young children.

Want to learn more about the benefits of light therapy? 

Take a look at our Feel Good Edit! Our curated and well-researched articles cover the latest trends, advice, and science of light therapy, wellbeing, mental and physical health, and more.

Bodyclock: General FAQ

The light on my Bodyclock has started turning on and off by itself, what can I do to fix this?

It sounds like you may have accidentally put the unit into a 'demo mode'.  This is done by pressing and holding the '+' button for too long (approx. 20 seconds).

To come out of this mode please press and hold the '-' button for approx. 20 seconds. You should see the display briefly flash.

I hope this works for you. If you continue to experience an issue, please contact us again.

I’ve broken the glass lamp cover of my Bodyclock. Can I purchase a replacement lamp cover?

If you have one of our older models such as Advanced or Elite, you can purchase a replacement lamp cover from our collection of replacement parts.

If you have Bodyclock from the Luxe range, the glass globe is integrated into the unit and it will need to come back to us for a chargeable repair. The cost for this repair will be under £30 including UK postage back to you. Please package your product in a suitably sturdy box and include a covering note with reference to the fault and your contact details and address. Send it to the below address:

Lumie, 3 The Links, Trafalgar Way, Bar Hill, Cambridge, CB23 8UD

Bodyclock: Sunset FAQ

I cannot get the sunset feature to work, can you help?

First of all, please ensure that you have turned the light on to full brightness before activating the sunset feature button. The light will need to be on first to work properly.

Once the light is at full brightness and the sunset has been activated the light should slowly dim over the duration you have selected.

The light doesn’t turn off completely at the end of the sunset, why is that?

It sounds like you may have the nightlight feature on, which is a different feature to the sunset. This means the light will stay on at a low level throughout the night after the sunset has finished.

Please make sure this is turned off by entering the settings menu and ensuring you have selected ‘0’ next to nightlight.

Why does sunset finish before time is up?

The sunset duration is relative starting from full brightness, so if you start your sunset from half brightness, it will take half the time to reach full darkness.

How many Lux is the Bodyclock range?

The importance of the Bodyclock is the gradual sunrise and sunset feature, mimicking a natural sunlight to help you to feel more energised and more refreshed. We do not tend to measure Bodyclock in Lux as this is unrealistic due to the distance you would need to sit from the unit.

Our Bodyclock range measured in Lumens would be around 350.

The tap snooze feature isn’t working, why could that be?

If it isn’t working when you tap the lamp cover, please try tapping towards the bottom of the unit, often the bottom is more responsive (front or back of unit) as this is where the Vibration receptors are.

Bodyclock from the Luxe range:

To activate the snooze function, you have to tap quite firmly on the glass dome, and it is most sensitive towards the base as that is closer to the sensor. Alternatively, you can press any preset buttons (1,2,3,4,5) to activate the 9-minute snooze.

Bodyclock: Display FAQ:

Is it possible to turn the display off during the night?

You have the option to either keep the display at a low light so the time is visible throughout the night or you can turn it off completely.

This is the same across all our Bodyclock models.

Display not dimming

The display brightness operates as follows, which may be helpful to know:

·         The brightness of the display is dimmed according to the ambient light conditions in the room. This is picked up by a sensor that is found underneath the frosted globe.

·         There are certain cases where the display will not follow the ambient light conditions – this occurs typically when a user presses a button or interacts with the unit. In this case, the display will ‘wake up’ and increase in brightness temporarily. Then, after several seconds of non-interaction, the display should then start to dim back down to the ambient light conditions sensed in the environment. If room is dark enough, then it should go back to the LOW or OFF setting, according to the position of the switch on the base of the unit.

·         Please also note that the LEDs turning on during a sunrise or sunset will influence the ambient light sensor and will therefore cause the display to turn on. If the nightlight setting is used, it is possible that the light level is bright enough to turn on the display.

There are a few things that you can check to ensure that the display turns off fully:

·         If the display appears to be brighter than expected, leave the unit without interacting with it for at least 10 seconds. If the room is dark enough, it should eventually dim to the LOW or OFF setting determined by the switch on the base. Please note that the unit also has a tap sensor, and if the unit is tapped or knocked, it will also cause the display to wake up.

·         If the display is turning not turning off fully after 10 seconds, you can check to see if it is related to the amount of light in the room by temporarily covering the frosted globe to shadow the ambient light sensor further. Please do not use this as a permanent measure, however.

·         Ensure that the nightlight setting is NOT used, as this will ensure the display will fully dim to the LOW/OFF condition.

·         It may be possible that the ambient light sensor is picking up non-visible light from other electronic devices – such as security cameras that feature night mode visibility. Please check these devices to see if they are interacting with one another. Again, the globe could be temporarily covered in order to check for this.

Halo FAQ’s:

My Halo backlight doesn’t work

We have recently moved to using a ‘firm double tap’ (rather than single) to operate the backlight, due to customer feedback. It was found that a single tap would create situations where the backlight would come inadvertently i.e. when the table was accidentally bumped. We apologise if that has therefore created any confusion on how to operate the backlight. The tap (vibration) sensor is the most sensitive when tapping the top of the metal shield above the “Lumie” logo. Please note that the vibration sensor is different to the touch bar that operates the main light and as such you do have to be firm for the sensors to pick up the vibrations. The double-tap is approximately the speed of a ‘double click on a computer.

As the backlight is operated by a vibration sensor on the top of the outer ring. To operate this, firmly double tap the top of the device.

Spares FAQ

Do you still sell halogen bulbs for your older Bodyclock range? Will I still be able to order Bulbs with the new law changes for Halogen bulbs?

Due to many external factors, including evolving regulations that have led to the discontinuation of similar light sources, sourcing and maintaining a stable supply of this bulb has become very challenging. Regrettably, despite our best efforts, we must inform you that we will no longer be able to make the halogen bulb for older Bodyclock lights available, and it will not return to stock. We understand the impact this may have on those who rely on it, and we sincerely apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Our latest range of products are fitted with LEDs meaning you will not need to replace bulbs. If you want to look at those for a more environmental solution you can see our current range here.

Bodyclock Classic: Unfortunately, we no longer supply the bulb for Bodyclock Classic, but you should be able to source one elsewhere online. The bulb type you require is a 28w dimmable halogen bulb.

I need a spare part for my Lumie, do you sell replacement spares?

Yes, we sell replacement parts including all power leads and bulbs for our non-LED models. They can all be found here.

I have the old style black Desklamp, do you still sell the bulb?

Unfortunately, as this product has been discontinued for nearly 10 years, we no longer stock this style of bulb and are not aware of any suppliers of this bulb.

Our current Desklamp is fitted with LEDs so you wouldn’t have to replace them. You can see the current Desklamp here.

Where can I buy replacement LEDs?

Our products feature integrated LEDs so there is not the need to replace them. LEDs are not the same as halogen bulbs and as such they do not 'blow'. LEDs have an average lifetime of 30,000+ hours, meaning if you used the light for an hour every day, it would last approx. 82 years.

We aim to process all repairs within 5-10 days of receiving the device, there can be some delays during our peak season.

Repair timing FAQ

We aim to process all repairs within 5-10 days of receiving the device, there can be some delays during our peak season.