When you visualise meditation, your mind instantly takes you to sitting cross legged, eyes closed, while palms are held together in a prayer position. And while this is what meditation looks like to some, there are many other ways to bring the mindfulness practice into your life.
This Wellness Wednesday, Jodie Melissa is showing us how to use the Mal Paper Mindfulness Meditation Card Deck (you may have received one as a free gift!) to create small mindful moments throughout your day. You can watch her full IGTV here.
Something small I've found useful to ease me into the day is taking a minute to set an intention and focus on my breath just before getting out of bed. Checking my phone used to be the first thing I did, since charging it in a different room overnight, it's really made a huge difference to how mindful I am day to day.
I find it really useful to actually add time slots to my to-do list to be more mindful. Whether it's a 5-minute guided meditation during the day or picking one of the Mal Paper cards to reflect on. That way I end up remembering to take those moments for myself, and they don't get left behind the end of a busy day.
Working from home I find it can actually be easier to forget to take a minute to be mindful and just rest. In the office it would usually happen while getting a drink or talking to a colleague. I try to remind myself that it's ok to take 5 minutes to just breathe, come into the present and reset before starting work again.
It can be really difficult to get into the habit of prioritising being mindful when society tells us to be productive and busy. On the days that I'm resisting slowing down, I try to remind myself of how I feel afterwards and the benefits of being consistent. The Mal Paper mindfulness cards make it much easier to stay consistent thanks to the prompts and exercises.
We’d love to know if you’ve found these tips helpful! If you’re looking for more advice on all things mindfulness, head over to Jodie’s Instagram and stay tuned for next week’s Wellness Wednesday, where we will be exploring the theme of ‘Movement’ with Yoga Bexy.